Martin satisfied with point against Fleetwood...

Gills boss Martin Allen said he was pleased with Saturday’s 2-2 draw against Fleetwood, although admitted it was a slight disappointment to have not won the game.
The hosts had fallen two goals behind, but a Charlie Lee goal before the interval and a second half finish from sub Myles Weston were enough to seal a point at MEMS Priestfield.
Martin said after the game: “It was a good performance.
“I don’t think we played too badly in the first half but we found ourselves two goals down from a set play which was disappointing. It shouldn’t come as any surprise that the players stepped up a gear and went up another level. We probably deserved to win the game in the end.
“I know they scored two goals but most of the play was in the middle of the field, we weren’t dominant but nor were they and it was a pretty cagey opening. They have been up near the top pretty much all season so for us it was a good point on our total.
“It was fantastic for so many people to be here at this time of year and it was a fantastic atmosphere. We are disappointed we didn’t win it I suppose.
“It was a great feeling (to have equalised). We were not playing too bad, they weren’t doing a lot, we were not doing much but all the players in the club can play in a winning team and all the players on the bench can make a difference.
“Thankfully the one we picked to come on made the difference and set the place alight. I am well pleased for Myles Weston because he is a really good player. I am delighted for him.”
Martin said no-one panicked after going 2-0 down and they made a couple of changes to try and get back in to the game.
He said: “At 2-0 down the crowd can turn on the team but we kept encouraging them, supporting them and looking after them. The fans got behind them and sang their hearts out.
We weren’t banging our heads against the wall, or scratching our heads and saying ‘oh my God pass me the Nurofen’.
“It was a case of, ‘what are we going to do and how are we going to go about it?’ We knew we would definitely up the ante in the second half and we made that change (Weston replacing Deon Burton) to give us some pace to go in behind.
“We encouraged all the other players to be a bit calmer in possession and a bit more tenacious in the tackle, with their headers and challenges and God bless them they stepped up and performed for the crowd.
“I thought the second-half performance was up there with the best we’ve had all season. We passed the ball around, trying to tempt them out, and when teams park the bus it’s difficult to break them down.
"We pushed them back and got one (in the second half) and had a few chances with our attacking players to win it.”