We announce our Summer Soccer School dates

The Club's Community department has announced dates for their Summer Soccer Schools, plus details of additional coaching days being held during the Summer.

What's On?


During the school holidays we continue to run our, ever popular, soccer schools. The soccer schools run from 10am - 3pm and are designed to create a fun and informative day of football within a relaxed, safe environment.

The mornings are taken up with warm-ups, skills sessions and practices. Lunch is taken, usually between 12 and 1pm, so the children must bring a packed lunch. It is also advised that plenty of drink is provided for each child, especially on hot days.

After lunch the children take part in a small-sided tournament against those in their own age groups. This is not a serious tournament but gives the children the chance to practice their skills against one another.

This summer alongside our Summer Soccer Schools we are also running additional coaching sessions, which will offer more specific groups of players the opportunity to improve and have fun. 

These sessions include:


Are you the next Gills Star? Do you have what it takes to stand out from the crowd and change a game, are you a talented young footballer looking for a chance at Gillingham FC, then this could be your opportunity.

Players will be put through their paces with advanced training sessions and have the chance to showcase their talent in front of Centre of Excellence and Development Centre Coaches.

Suitable candidates will be offered trials at our Boys, Girls or Disability Centres of Excellence or our Development Centres.


These sessions are put together specifically for Goalkeepers and Strikers, with the aim to work against each other to improve the important skills in each position.

Goalkeepers will beencouraged to work on handling, positioning and agility in the mornings' skill based sessions, whilst the strikers will have plenty of opportunity to improve their shooting.

The afternoon sessions will include small-sided games, with all players coached to improve upon and show what they have learnt.


A session for the Girls! Although we of course encourage the girls to participate alongside the boys at our Soccer Schools, this is an additional opportunity to be coached and to play just with the girls.

The sessions will consist of warm-up, skills and drills and small-sided games.


This Soccer School caters for children with various learning difficulties including ADHD,Aspergers, behavioural difficulties and minor physical disabilities and who may not feelcomfortable in main-stream football.

Children will be coached by our experienced coaches to improve their all round skills as well as developing football abilities.

Each child attending a course will receive a gift and GFC certificate

If you require any further information or an application form please contact the Community Dept. on 01634 350125 (24-hour answer phone) or email