The right-back talks about various items post Burton

Following Saturday’s game, in which he scored the second in a 4-1 victory, Matt Fish spoke about his goal, the number of different players that have got on the scoresheet and the performance against the Brewers.

On the goal, which he dedicated to his dad who requires another knee operation, he said “It was on target, it took a little deflection I think, the keeper probably would have got it apart from that, it took a deflection off the bar and the post and went in. I was a little bit fortunate but I’ll take it as mine.

“We are scoring goals from all over the place, it’s not just the strikers, you’ve got midfielders and obviously defenders, they chip in with their goals. I think we are together as a team and that shows. We all defend and we are all scoring so there isn’t a lot to moan about.”

On to the performance the right-back continued “They [Burton] came into it eight games unbeaten, so they are a decent team and have got some good players going forward and created a few chances in the first-half. Like when Adam’s cleared one off the line and a few in the second-half but I think that once we got that third goal we’ve got the game secure to be fair.
“The Gaffer is just trying to get us to play and I think we did that, maybe the last 20 minutes we tried to overplay, but obviously we wanted to try and keep the ball and advance it but they were going for the game. It’s tough when they are chasing you, you want to keep the ball but we’ve scored eight goals in two games, conceded one, so we’ll take that.”

He later added “They were coming into it with confidence but obviously we are top of the league and scoring lots of goals. But I thought they would perhaps have a little more threat than they did but maybe that’s a credit to us and the way we are defending at the moment - not conceding many goals. It was a good game but once we got the third goal the game was over really and the fourth goal just killed it.”

Moving onto his own improvement this season Matt said “Last season was my first season in the league but this year I’ve got more belief in myself. I don’t know what it is, it just happens. “I’m not thinking about it too much my defending has got better which I’m still working on in training. Just on the ball it helps having loads of options, you sometimes have two or three options on the ball, so that helps especially as a full-back and the way the gaffer plays is the way I play, getting crosses in etc so I’ve just got to keep it going.”

Looking forward to Tuesday’s trip to Torquay he continued “Obviously it’s a long journey but to go there and win will be a massive confidence boost. But we’ve just got to keep doing what we are doing, we are not conceding many goals but scoring lots of goals so it’s a good recipe.
“We will go there full of confidence, hopefully get a result and move on to the next one – keep chalking them off and so keeping it going.”

He was then asked whether he felt something good could happen this season  -“Yes definitely, I think about it all the time and we speak about it but we try and keep it under wraps. Obviously we have been top of the league since the third game, we take one game at a time, let’s see where we are in April or May.”  

Matt was finally questioned as to whether they could enjoy it at the top, he replied “Yeah you’ve obviously got to enjoy it but Port Vale are doing well.

“We’ve lost one and drawn one but they are still only three points behind us so you have to give credit to them. Sometimes you get a six or nine point gap but we’ve not got that, so we got to keep our heads down, keep working hard in training and see where we are at the end of the season.

"To be fair we are not even thinking about anyone else, it’s kind of in our hands, if we keep winning games we stay at the top  so with them [Vale] winning and keep getting results it keeps us on our toes a little bit ."