All the info you need to follow the Gills to Plymouth Argyle
We have been allocated 500 tickets for the Gills visit to Plymouth Argyle on Saturday 10 November.They are situated in the Barn Park Stand behind the goal.
100 Of these 500 tickets are located in the Family area so at least one child ticket must purchased with every booking in this section.
Adult - £20
Over 65 - £15
Under 18 - £7
Family Ticket (Adult + Under 18) - £25 (ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE FAMILY AREA)
Tickets go on sale to Season Ticket Holders on Wednesday 24 October. Any remaining tickets will go on general sale from Wednesday 31 October
Tickets can be purchased online, by calling the Ticket Office on 01634 300000 (option 1), or by visiting the Ticket Office in person