Gills striker happy to be back playing after long injury...

Gills striker Adam Birchall said he wants to move forward with his career having finally made his league debut for the club on Saturday against Chesterfield.

Birchall didn’t play for the club at all last season due to a serious knee injury and finally took to the field at Priestfield during a league match after nearly 14 months of waiting.

He was understandably delighted after the game and said:

“I can’t really put it into words to be honest – it’s been a really hard struggle from what happened to get to the point I am now and I can’t thank everyone enough.

“The new gaffer has come in and has helped me so much and I feel amazing.

“Over the last couple of weeks my knee has been feeling a bit off but I have been given time to rest and strengthen it and its been feeling great.

“We got some news Friday night that it was nothing to worry about so I was buzzing off that and then the gaffer said I was on the bench so I was doubly happy.

“I have spoken to the main man and he has cleared everything, it’s completely fine and there is nothing to worry about. That’s all I want to hear really and I can start kicking on with my career again.”

Adam very nearly stole a winner late on to make it a dream start but sadly couldn’t convert, but he said the most important thing is that he is fit and well. He added:

“That would have been the fairy tale but I would rather have a fairy tale career than just the start. It was one of those where I hit it and hoped because the angle was against me but it wasn’t to be.

“I loved being out there – when you have been out this long you have to be so patient and the gaffer has been great helping me in each step of pre-season.

“Match sharpness is something that comes with games and you only get that from playing so I need to keep showing what I can do in training and hopefully catch everyone’s eye and see where it takes me.”

Birchall was asked if he ever got to the point where he thought he wouldn’t be back.

He replied: “No, never – I am not that type of person. I have really focussed on getting back and have worked so hard to get this dream move to Gillingham out of non-league.

“I wasn’t willing to give up on it.”

Birchall commented on the performance against Chesterfield and reacted to the news that the Gills are currently top of the league.

He said: “It was a mixed reaction because we felt we could have played better but the fans were signing `we are top of the league, ` and that feels good. It’s all about being there at the end of the season though so there is a lot of work to come.

 “We are all in this club together – players work as hard as they can and the fans get behind us. There is a massive connection and the atmosphere at Dagenham was electric and long may that continue.

“The mood is always positive, we are heading in the right direction and we all understand what we want to achieve and up to the Watford game in pre-season we were unbeaten so everyone is working hard and with that spirit everyone is getting stronger as long as everyone is doing their job.

“As the season goes on, no matter what league you are in, if you get better and better as you go along then you are a force. I can’t comment on other players but I know for a fact that everyone is working hard every day.”