Adam Barrett reflects on the Gills promotion to League One

While Gills supporters are still reveling in the glory of last weekend’s promotion to League One, team captain Adam Barrett explains that the team have no intention of resting on their laurels, saying, “When I signed a contract extension earlier in the season I said that the first part of the job was to get promotion but the club is looking to move forward which is very exciting for everyone.

“It’s not going to be easy next year and there are some big club’s coming down so it will be difficult but we want to progress and the players all want to be part of that. It’s a hungry bunch of guys that we’ve got down here and the management team drive everyone on, every day.

“The coaching staff and all the backroom team are all hungry for success and there is a real fighting spirit. Hopefully we are going to win the title and we will enjoy that then have a couple of weeks off with the family then back for pre-season and we’ll be raring to go and have a good season next year.”

And Adam was quick to put his finger on the key to the Gills success, adding, “I think the manager is very good on standards and very good on discipline. If you’re someone that’s not prepared to work, you don’t want to graft for each other and roll your sleeves up then this isn’t the place for you.

“This is a club with a structure that has been put in place where hard work is the key and that’s the mentality. You’ve got to be prepared to roll your sleeves up and go the extra yard and it’s proved to be successful.

“That’s what the gaffers instilled into all the players and the young lads as well, he pushes us all hard in training and he wants standards kept high and I think if you go along those lines you’re not going to fall short.

The Chairman has promised all of the players a celebratory trip to Benidorm when the season ends but Adam is focusing all his intentions on securing the championship, stating, “To be honest it’s just about football at the moment.

“Holidays will come and we’ve only a couple of weeks left of the season but our main focus now is to win this title. That’s all we’re thinking about as players, there is a big carrot there for us and we want to make sure we finish it off.

“When we do that, and hopefully we will do that, then we will look to have a holiday and put our feet up but at the moment it’s business as usual.”

To read part one of this interview click here