Martin delighted for young squad members who received debuts on Saturday

Martin Allen said he was proud to have given six football league debuts to members of his squad against Burton Albion on Saturday.

Many turned out in a Gills shirt for the first time at the Pirelli Stadium, and Martin was happy with the impact the younger players had on the game.

He said: “Kane Haysman came on and did well, he’s a very good player – we are very lucky we have got them and lucky that they are committed to our club. To have six football league debuts is unheard of and I don’t think anybody has done that before, it’s amazing.

“He did fantastic for the time he was on. He came on for Dack and played right side of midfield but I just wanted to give someone else a game and put another forward on, that’s why I took him off.

“He’s another one on the up and did fantastically well.

“How good was Grant? No-one would have thought that was his debut, no one knows who he is. Didn’t he play well? Left footed, tenacious, a good engine and he’s still only a kid.

“He’s still growing and he needs hard work with me and he needs to get bigger, stronger and more powerful but I didn’t fill out until I was 20. Harry will probably be the same; he’ll get to 20/21 before he hits his full potential.

“He has great self-belief and there is something special in the blood if you know what I’m saying. I’m delighted with him.

“The left back Muggleton, would anyone have known that was his debut? Four months ago he was at college and got kicked out because he was naughty and only came down for a week so I could be horrible to him and put him straight.

“I saw him play in training and I thought he was OK, and then that throw from 50 yards. We decided to train him hard, toughen him up, get some discipline in to his life and he responded fantastically well.

“He’s lost a lot of weight and he will only get fitter and stronger. He is the calmest kid you have ever met.

“Nyafli scored two goals last week at Orient, he played superbly well against Brentford the other day and then scored today. He terrorised that geezer down the wing in front of our fans and he has massive ability.

“He’s another good young one; I did let him go and then thought overnight that I had made a ricket. I rang the Chairman and he said get him back if you feel like that and since I let him go he’s got even better!

“Mahlon Romeo is 17 years old, how good was he bombing forward and to see him doing that how fantastic was it? I’ve seen him run in the cold, in the dark and in the rain at half past seven in the morning up and down that hill towards Tesco’s…frightening.

“That was a fantastic performance and I can’t thank them enough. How special is it? A great feeling for all of us.

“Supporters are going to be happy when they see a performance like that. It’s all the subs from the Wimbledon game plus six youth players, if you can’t be inspired by that as a supporter then you have a screw loose.”

The Gills were given a guard of honour by the Burton players as they walked on to the pitch, and Martin thanked the opponents for the respect they gave his staff and players throughout the afternoon.

He added: “I’ve got to say from everyone at Gillingham Football Club, a big thank you to the respect that Burton footballers, staff and supporters gave our players and all of us today.

“I thought it was fantastic that they clapped our players on to the pitch and at the end they stayed and clapped them. A massive well done to everyone at Burton and I hope they do well in the play-offs and maybe see them again next year.”

To read Martin's immediate post match press conference material click here,