Martin reflects on season's achievements but is up for a potentially special weekend

Martin Allen says the club must take credit from recruiting the right people to help them achieve what they have done this season.

The Manager has been busy preparing his team for the visit of AFC Wimbledon this weekend, and he has praised the players for their persistent nature and ability to bounce back from tricky patches as they get ready for a potentially historic weekend.

He said: “That would be obviously be very special to everybody – the players, supporters, the staff and for myself. It would be a great day in all our lives.

“I’ve never won a title! The only title I have ever won is `Mad Dog. ` To be the Manager of the champions, can you believe that? It would be amazing – to get promoted was special to me, and if we happened to be the champions then that would be great.

“It’s been quite remarkable; I thought we would do well right from the beginning but for the players to keep going like they have. We have had a few times in the season when we have had to change players – good players have got injured and we have had to replace them and there have been a few weeks when we haven’t played so well and had some not so good results, but we always stay top.

“That has been the pattern all the way through – this is a marathon run and they just keep going. They find extra and I suppose that’s down to the recruitment of the characters and personalities we have got involved.

“There have been a couple of games where the supporters haven’t been happy which is understandable. If you have had steak and chips all season and then get pie and mash then it isn’t going to be great.”

Martin paid tribute to opponents AFC Wimbledon and said it’s great what they have been able to achieve since reforming in 2002.

“If there is one club that stands up in a fight its AFC Wimbledon. To come from where they have come from and to work their way back through all the leagues like they have done, AFC Wimbledon has to be right up the top for courage, backing and loyalty from their supporters.

“The management of Terry Brown and now Neal Ardley – if there is a team, a club and a group of supporters, and I know they have sold all of their seats here, who all of us would want to stay up it’s them. I do, but I’ve got to do my work for Gillingham and do what’s best for our club.

“You couldn’t have people with more love than the AFC Wimbledon supporters and when they were put in to the corner and their backs were to the wall they have responded and I’m really pleased for them.

“I’m focussed on Gillingham, we have worked hard on the training pitch and my job is to support them and help them to a win on Saturday.”

To read our official match preview click here.

To watch Martin’s pre-match press conference click here.