Martin remains focussed on team performance for Torquay visit

Martin Allen has called on his players to concentrate on their own jobs rather than focus on the thought of a potential promotion over the weekend.
The Gills fate could be sealed on Saturday with a win over Torquay, but Martin is adamant that preparation and attitude needs to remain the same as the club goes in search of three more important points.
He said: “Let’s get the job done first - Let’s concentrate and keep our heads down - we’ve had some tough games here. We’ve got to be on our game all the way from start to finish.
“To achieve promotion is one thing, but there is another part after that which will also come in to play, but we have to maintain our focus on that as well.
“Frampton is available after suspension, Dack will have a fitness test on Friday morning, Charlie Lee is back, he’s fine now, he’s training today. Anton Robinson is definitely out from the collision tackle that he had during the game, so he’s out, so someone’s got to come in to that position. Whelpdale fell over but hopefully he’ll be alright.”
Martin was asked if he has felt under pressure during the course of the season, but he says the players and his staff have made it easy on him to be able to do his job.
He said: “You feel pressure if your players are not very good. You feel pressure if your staff are not very good. You feel pressure if your Chairman is on your case, ringing you from his holiday that he is on at the moment.
“You feel pressure if the local media are all over you like a rash and criticising you and making stupid statements when they don’t know the facts.
“It’s tough as a manager but it couldn’t be any better, could it? I’ve got a fantastic group of players, I’ve worked so hard with the young players coming through, they’re great and I love working with them.
“The staff have all been amazing to help me. The supporters, well, my mate is a season ticket holder at Chelsea, he came to our last game and he absolutely loved it. He said it’s a better atmosphere than he gets at Stamford Bridge.
“What could you say about the supporters? Well, they’re second to none, different class. Mr Scally, I probably speak to him on the phone just about every day or every other day telling him what we’re doing.
“Telling him about all the changes that we are making in the team and he never gets on my case or asks or says `what are you making all these changes for? `
I know a lot of Directors at other Football Clubs have even threatened to fine players about how long their studs are because they kept slipping over, how bizarre.
I don’t get none of that here – I just get help, support and they all look after me so I can look after the players.”
To watch Martin’s pre-match press conference click here.
For the thoughts of Goalkeeper Stuart Nelson click here.
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