Soccer School programme a success in half term

Our Community Coaches were very busy last week running our February Soccer Schools.


Head of Community, Adam Lawrence said: "We have seen great numbers, with the majority of venues being fully booked. There have also been a number of new faces joining us this half-term so we hope everyone has enjoyed themselves as much as my team have.


"A number of students from Mid-Kent College have been helping the Community Team this week, the students are working towards their FA Level 1 and Level 2 Coaching badges and are getting first-hand experience of working with the children and assisting our coaches.

"They’ve been a real asset to the College and we hope to see more of them in the future as they continue to work towards their coaching qualifications.


"We’ve also had visits from first team players Stuart Nelson, Steven Gregory and Bradley Dack, who have come along in the afternoon after their training and helped out in the tournaments, signed countless autographs and posed for loads of photos.

"The children love meeting the players and always ask them what it’s like being a professional footballer, you also see a number of parents rushing in to ask questions about the last Gills match and if we are going to win the league - the players add a real buzz to an already fantastic day."


If you would like to attend a Gillingham FC Soccer School why not join us in the Easter holidays, dates and venues are currently being finalised and full details will be available online
in the near future.

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