Martin praises squad for performance at Bootham Crescent...

Martin Allen gives his immediate thoughts following the 0-0 draw against York City on Tuesday evening.

He said his team played much better in the second half but was happy to take a point from a difficult encounter at Bootham Crescent.

He said: “It was a tough game; I didn’t like it when I saw they had lost 4-0 on Saturday. Obviously we have been up in Yorkshire for a few days preparing.

“We weathered the storm in the first half, played higher up the pitch in the second half and went after them more and were positive right the way through and I thought in the second half we played very well.

“We didn’t create many chances but our goalkeeper didn’t have a chance to save in the second half.

“After the Wycombe game when it was 0-0 with 10 minutes to go and they had so many chances coming at our goal because we were too open, we were too attack minded to try and get a winner and we made a conscious decision as coaches and players that it wouldn’t happen again.

“We want to stay solid and be difficult to break down and difficult to beat and if you can come away from a game 0-0 with one point you take it.

“Normally I would go for the winner I must say but I have had to pull myself back a bit and I kept the right balance I think and four points away from home, from where we are in the league, a good tally, a good clean sheet and a fantastic effort from all our players once again.

“There has been top class behaviour on and off the field and it’s been an exceptional trip. It’s now back to Gillingham late in the morning and then we get ready for Saturday’s match against Dagenham.”