Assistant Manager speaks ahead of Wycombe visit...

Gills Assistant Manager John Schofield says the aim this season is to collect as many points as possible without concerning themselves about where they are in the league table.

The Gills take on Wycombe Wanderers this evening in the live game on Sky, and John said the focus has always remained the same whatever results they get.

He said: “There is still a long way to go and football has a great habit of kicking you in the teeth when you think you have cracked something.

“We have been pretty level headed regardless of whether we have won, drawn or lost. There has been a lot said about our home form but we have a plan and we have a process of how we are going to get to our result at the end of the season.

“We have stayed focussed on what we want to do and how we want to achieve it and we are going to carry on and do that.

“Do we look at the league table? Yes of course we do, it’s hard not to but there is still a long way to go so we will keep our heads down and kept ploughing on.

“The aim is to get as many points as we can this season and wherever we are with those points at the end is what we will be judged on.”

Schofield said the management are comfortable with changing players game by game as they have full belief in the squad as a whole to do the job when called upon.

He said: “We have to look to keep changing and tweaking the squad as we go along and we have to do what we think is right. We are looking after the Chairman’s business so we have to make sure the people that come in fit in to the ethos that we are trying to create.

“It’s never easy when you are not in the squad or the team but that is part and parcel of football and the less players that are not actually in the squad the easier it is to manage.

“We are quite happy to make changes to a team that is doing well and the lads are quite capable of coming in and getting performances out of them.

“We continue to show that belief in them which we have done.”

Finally John commented on the departure of Danny Jackman who left the club last week to join Kidderminster Harriers, and the Assistant Manager wished him the best of luck.

He said: “It was difficult for Jacko, he is from up there and has been offered an opportunity and players have to forge their own pathway in football.

“Sometimes you make decisions and they can be for varying reasons – obviously Jacko has gone there and we wish him well because I think he’s an excellent player and he’s going to be playing regularly which is what every player wants.”