Gills Manager delighted with collective effort...

Martin Allen was delighted to see that the work his squad have been putting in on the training ground has come to fruition in a game situation.

The Gills beat Northampton 2-0 on Tuesday night to return to the top of the league thanks to goals from Cody McDonald and Myles Weston, and this is what the manager had to say after the game:

“It was extremely difficult with the wind swirling,” he said. “We didn’t know if it was going up or down the pitch or across – the ball was moving all over the place which it made it difficult.

“I thought both teams played really well in the conditions and we got the breaks and have come out with the three points so happy days.

“A bit of luck [for the first goal] but it was something we have actually worked on. Not the back pass of course but the threat of our centre forward getting in behind their defenders, it’s something we practised.

“I went to watch them play Aldershot last week and they were outstanding in worse conditions than tonight. We highlighted those passes in behind, it was a great ball from Fish and very well tucked away by Cody.

“He gets in behind and that’s why he is here. That’s why we practised it in training and got bless him it worked superbly well.

“You’ve got to say it was a master tactical change, he was playing on the left wing of course but then he went up front because Cody was getting tired after doing an extreme amount of running being a single centre forward tonight.

“We put Myles up there to be a threat to get in behind because it was very difficult to pass the ball and we have all seen him do that time and time again this season and win us games.

“He did a great job play in front of Joe Martin and help him defensively. We decided to make that change to put him up front and what a brilliant finish and what a great signing he has been.”