Gills boss praises entire club after Southend win....

Martin Allen said that the team were back to their best after defeating Southend 1-0 in the first game of the New Year.

Chris Whelpdale’s third minute strike was enough to seal all three points after a fantastic performance at Roots Hall, and Martin was delighted to see his players claim victory in front of over 1,000 travelling supporters.

He said after the game: “The last four results haven’t been too bad, apart from the last one [against Barnet] which was particularly disappointing.

“The team were back to their best, there is no doubt about that and it’s certainly helps when you can call on a centre-back like the one we have just signed [Leon Legge] and what he brings to the team.

“He was immense and so were the players and the team, they were fantastic. In the second half there was going to be some part of the game when Southend were going to come back in to it – they have only lost one in 13 and they have a lot of dangerous forward players.

“They had one chance towards the end which luckily they put over the bar. We had several in the first half and on the counter attack in the second half where we hit the inside the post which could have been tucked away for 2-0.

“You have to say all of the players have put in a tremendous performance for what is a local derby and it’s a great day for all of our travelling supporters, especially after the knock back of our Boxing Day game.

“The lads got a bit of stick at the Barnet game but that’s how it is and when you are at a good club that’s what its like. If you can’t hack it don’t go there, go somewhere pants and play mid table and be Jonny Average.

“We haven’t been Jonny Average from day one, we work to be the best team, the best squad, the fittest squad and we take knocks together.

“We enjoy it when we win and we stand firm and close in the times of such major adversity when we beat Rotherham away and draw against Fleetwood at home!”