Gills Manager praises club togetherness....

Good Evening,

For all our Gillingham supporters massive respect and pats on the back for everybody today who helped clear the pitch.
John Plummer, John Schofield, Darren Hare, Mark Patterson, Gary Hemens, Stephen Corner, Josh Schofield, James Russell, John Carter, Chris Perry and Doug Underhill.
Everybody pulled together to help our groundsman get it cleared so that we can train on the pitch tomorrow morning.
All our scholars and all of our development squad grafted. And grafted. The pitch is now clear for training tomorrow morning.
It is nice to know that everyone can pull together and help each other when you need that bit of help.
Malcolm also played his part by making us all cups of tea to keep us warm.
This is what makes a good team and this is what makes a very special club.
