The club would like to thank our good friend Steve Craddock of TJW Electrical Ltd

On Saturday we welcomed back Steve Craddock from TJW Electrical Ltd. Steve is also the area coordinator for Help for Heroes. Below Steve introduces himself and some of the work he has coming up with Help for Heroes.

Good afternoon, my name is Steve Craddock and I am the operations Director of TJW Electrical Ltd and am delighted that as a company we are showing our support to the Gills. I would very much like to wish the Manager and Team the best of luck for the rest of the season. I am sure this year they will gain promotion to League one. As well as being a Director of TJW I am also the area coordinator for Help for Heroes. I am delighted to tell you that my guests for the York fixture are 3 former Servicemen who have been injured whilst serving in Afghanistan. The debt we owe to these lads and many others like them is incalculable and Help for Heroes are determined that all our wounded are given the best possible care we can provide for the rest of their lives.

On Thursday May 2nd I am staging a grand spring ball in aid of Help for Heroes. The event will take place at the Mecure Great Danes Hotel near Maidstone. The main guest and speaker for the evening will be Lord Sebastian Coe CH KBE this country’s greatest ever middle distance runner and organiser of the most successful Olympics in history. Also in attendance will be Bryn and Emma Parry the co-founders of Help for Heroes, many injured servicemen and women and several Paralympians. The evening will cost £49 per person and will include a superb three course meal, Raffle, Charity Auction and all entertainment. This will be a great night and one not to be missed. Should you wish to attend please contact me via email steve.craddock@h4hcounty.org.uk All profits from the evening will go to Help for Heroes.

Thank you, Steve Craddock.