Martin says intense work to start in Le Touquet

Martin Allen says preparations for League One will step up a notch next week when the team travel to Le Touquet for their pre-season training camp.

The team head for Northern France on the back of a 3-0 win over Bromley on Saturday, and the Manager revealed the itinerary for the week ahead.

He said:  “We are going to be training three times a day every day. Swimming and just normal work really to get the team prepared and ready for the season.

“We haven’t done much team play yet, it’s been about getting the players fit and now we can go on to that, we tried a few things Saturday and they are now fresh and have two days off before we go on Tuesday.

“That’s when the intense work starts really and the team preparation, we’ll get it all done.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s abroad or not really, it makes no difference to me to be honest and a training camp is a training camp.

“They don’t have nights out, they have had the itinerary. Their alarms in their rooms go off at seven o’clock; we start training at half past with our first session.

“The second session is at half past ten after breakfast – the first session is a beach run and then back for yoga.

“We finish at 12, we have lunch at one – we are supposed to sleep in the afternoons and the alarms go off at four. In to reception at 4.30 where we train until six and seven o’clock is dinner, we then play games like Monopoly and Frustration.

“They play cards but have to be in their rooms by nine o’clock so they will spend a lot of their time together but a lot of it is resting, that is part of the work.

“We are taking 24 players and it’s a full on trip and one evening we will be taking them to one of the war cemeteries so I will find out about that in the next couple of days.

“We are going paintballing as long as they do the challenges that have been set for them.”

To watch Martin's post match interview, click here.