Midweek press conference takes place at MEMS Priestfield Stadium

Assistant Manager John Schofield and new signing Amine Linganzi addressed the local media this morning, and below we have included some brief snippets of their respective interviews.

Firstly John revealed what he thought Amine could add to the squad:

“He adds athleticism to us and he has a good range of passing,” he said. “He has a physical presence, understands the game, is a clever footballer, can use both feet, technically very good and has a good range of passing.

“He has that ability to unlock defences so he is going to add another string to our armory and I’m looking forward to working with him.

"He hasn’t disappointed, he fits in well with the lads and they like him so it’s important to sign players that fit in to our family and he certainly does that.”

Amine, clearly happy to have settled in at the club so quickly, added:

“I chose to come to Gillingham because I wanted to go forward with the club and when I played against Gillingham for Accrington I could feel the sensation of the club and the supporters.

“I’m close to France aswell with my family there so that’s important now.

“The atmosphere and the fans are different and that’s why I like England and I’m happy to be here.”

You can see full interviews with both John and Amine on Gills Player shortly.