Tony Rea and Tony Smith deliver their post match reaction

London Broncos Head Coach Tony Rea was apologetic after Saturday’s game at Priestfield after watching his side suffer their record home defeat at the hands of Warrington Wolves.

Warrington ran in 15 tries in total to record an 82-10 score line, and Rea said he felt for the fans who attended the game after failing to produce a performance.

He said: “Apologies to everybody who expects us to compete on every play, the people that support the club and Rugby League down here. The team got spooked out of the contest and just didn’t handle it.

“We didn’t deal with it – we backed out of the contest too much.

“It’s very much back to basics - missed tackles, offloads and we have to accept we’ve got to re-build our game and we’re making a lot of unforced errors.

“There were a lot of people that were looking forward to seeing the team and I feel for them that they didn’t get rewarded with a good performance.”

In comparison, Wolves Coach Tony Smith was delighted with the performance of his players and believes the squad are just beginning to click as back end of the Super League season approaches.

He said: “I thought in the first half we were guilty of trying too hard and we came here with every intent of putting on a good display – we have been in good form lately.

“You could feel the boys were bubbling through the week in order to get a good performance, and we did it in style. We played with a lot more control in the second half, in the first half we tried too hard to get that sort of score line from the off.

“Once we got our heads around how to go about it that score line was going to be hard to stop.”

Warrington conceded just two tries during the game, but the Coach said it was typical of his side’s character and mentality to be disappointed about letting 10 points slip.

He added: “It’s a mark of the pride that we are putting in to our defence at the moment and that’s been ongoing for a number of weeks, we are peeved about the tries we conceded.

“Our opponents have some dangerous players when they are allowed to run but across the board our defence was pretty much spot on for most of the game.

“We’ve got a chance to freshen up and really attack the back end of this season and we’re looking forward to it. We are just starting to play the way we want to play and our next game will be a cracker I’m sure.”