Gills striker adamant that Peter Taylor is having positive impact at the club

Danny Kedwell says the entire squad are excited by working with new Interim Manager Peter Taylor.

, and he is confident that Taylor will guide the club in the right direction. Tuesday night’s 2-1 win over Notts CountyThe striker netted his second goal in as many games during

He said: “He’s got the boys to be more calm on the ball but he’s tried to get us to play more Football and on Saturday there were a couple of glimpses where we did that.

“He’s improved my game – he’s said I need to keep the ball and I’ve got two in two now.

“I was going to lob him [the goalkeeper] but as the ball fell I saw he was left to the goal a little bit so I thought I’d hit as hard as I can, put it to his right side and luckily it went over his arm and in the net.

and it’s all about getting the ball forward and going in as a team and not just individuals.Whelps took his goal well“It’s all about the final product,

“We had a lot of options – I’ve enjoyed the last two games. He’s told me to stay up front and not go chasing and it’s working because in the last 10-15 minutes I’m normally knackered but I felt fresh.

“He asked me on Monday could I do two games in four days and I said yes I’m only 30 but he asked the question because he hasn’t been here long.

“He is still getting to know the players and see what they’re about so now I’ve proved to him that I can play twice in four days.

“We all know our jobs, we know what we want to do with the ball and we’re not doing two or three different jobs.

“It’s going to take time obviously but there was some great Football and he will get the best out of us I think.

“Everyone is trying to go out and improve and sometimes you over do it and try to impress him too much and make mistakes but I’m sure in the next couple of weeks that will calm down and they’ll be fine.

“It’s been different for us but he’s a top Manager, he knows what he’s doing and he’s managed some top players at England and in the U21’s and for the man who gave David Beckham the armband, and to see where he is now, he knows what to do and we’re really excited to be working with him."

Gills Player.Watch Danny’s interview in full on