Bayo says squad are in good spirits ahead of weekend clash

Bayo Akinfenwa says the team are `on the right track` as the squad prepare for tomorrow’s visit of Bradford City.

, and although the Gills were unable to hold out for a point, Bayo said the mood is very much upbeat and the team are ready to go once more.Coventry on SundayThe striker came off the bench for the last couple of minutes against

He said: “The mood is still upbeat and it’s still positive. It’s still a bit anxious as its going to be with no wins but the gaffer is trying to keep us focused and is telling us to keep doing what we’re doing, little tweaks here and there and the wins will come.

“That’s what we truly believe and the performances as a whole have been pleasing so it’s going in the right direction.

“Like anything we would be lying if we said we weren’t anxious to get the win and it stops people talking about that sort of thing, but we’re looking forward to Saturday and the squad is upbeat.

“That is what we truly believe; we are not putting on a front for the media.

“Not much has changed in the way we are prepare because we think we are on the right track.

“The gaffer is trying to get the formula right to get up this table and on our day we can stand up to anyone in this league.”

Bayo admitted he has to adjust his game slightly to coincide with how Martin Allen wants to play tactically, but says he is enjoying incorporating something new in to his personal role.

“It’s an adjustment and even me at 31 the gaffer has done stuff which has taken me time to get my head around and adapt to, but every day is a learning day so you try to take the positives out of everything that happens. He said:

“It’s more defending from the front so it’s everyone behind the ball and it’s a lot more running for myself.

“Last season we won the league with a good defensive record and the gaffer is really big on that and that’s a new thing for me. I do like to stay further up the pitch and have a battle with the centre half but now its implementing a new tactical formation in to my game.

“It won’t just click straight away and there are other things he’s trying to implement in the team – sometimes know when to go direct and when to keep the ball.

“We are progressing but unfortunately Football is based on results and we haven’t got that win but we are going the right way and we are not panicking yet.”

here.Watch Bayo’s midweek press conference by clicking