Group of carers and children visit Priestfield for a behind the scenes experience

Kristopher the Kinship Ted is currently touring the UK, raising awareness and much needed funds for Grandparents Plus and Kinfest – part of the Kinship “Foster” Carers Group that holds an annual holiday and days out for Kinship families. 

He has visited a number of places over recent weeks but recently came to the Home of Football in Kent, MEMS Priestfield Stadium.  He came along with a small group of local carers and cared for children, to see behind the scenes at Gillingham Football Club.

With approximately 200,000 grandparent and family carers raising up to 300,000 children in the UK, it is surprising at the lack of readily available support and information for these families. 

Many of the children have suffered from similar traumas to those in the care system, but often are not entitled to the same level of support.

Families and carers often feel isolated and alone many have given up and lost touch with their friends as their lives take on a very different role to the one they had planned.

Kristopher’s aim is to raise awareness and support for these families, and will spend time with the children and their families and creating some wonderful fun memories along the way.

You can follow Teds Adventure on:
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•    Twitter: @kinshipted
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