Gills winger believes home side deserved win over Rotherham after solid second half performance at Priestfield

Myles Weston believes Gills did not deserve to lose Saturday's game against Rotherham after two late goals deprived the hosts of a result at Priestfield.

Tom Hitchcock scored twice in the space of four minutes to ensure all three points went back to Yorkshire in a 4-3 victory, but Weston is adamant the result wasn’t a fair reflection on the game.

He said: “We are definitely disappointed because I think we deserved to win, but football goes like that sometimes.

"You just have to concentrate for the whole game and I think we would have come out with a win.

“They didn’t kick us off the park. They had a couple of players that were decent on the day and if we play like that we can definitely get a win on Tuesday.”

Rotherham took the lead after just 13 seconds when Kieran Agard beat Stuart Nelson courtesy of a Nicky Adams cross, but the Gills winger was proud of the way his team-mates responded and made amends for the 4-1 defeat in the reverse fixture.

He added: “You think we have a long game ahead of us but then you think its early days so you can score loads of goals - it’s basically restarting the game, you just have to keep going and be focused and that’s what everyone did.

“In the first half against them when we played them away we didn’t turn up at all, that’s why they were 3-0 up at half time.

“But we definitely showed them what we have and I think they have to respect us. Barring a couple of mistakes we definitely could have got the win and I think they will look at us and see we are a good team.”

For our official match report click here.