Byron Primary School are the latest team to go through to the next round of Gillingham FC's Half Time Shootout Competition

We were delighted to welcome Byron Primary School onto the pitch last Saturday as they took part in the first round of the GFC Half Time Shoot Out competition.

The fixture, which consisted of two teams from the same school (one team of girls and one team of boys) due to their opposition being unable to attend the date, were delighted to have the opportunity to take a spot kick in front of the cheering Rainham End supporters, with one of the boys heard saying “I’ve always wanted to score a goal at Priestfield!”

When the teams were collected from their seats at half time and talked through the rules of the competition the excitement levels started to build as the children discussed the extravagant celebration they would perform if their shot was successful.

The fixture got off to a brilliant start with the opening two spot-kick takers converting their penalties.

This certainly added pressure to the rest of the children, which showed, as the third penalties from both teams were missed. The shoot-out was neck and neck all the way though, however, in the end the Girls were able to clinch the victory netting 4/5 of their spot kicks – adding some impressive celebrations along the way.

We hope that all involved at Byron Primary enjoyed their day out at Priestfield and would like to thank them for taking part in the Half-Time Shoot-Out. We look forward to welcoming them back to  for the Quarter Finals of the competition on March 7th, When the Gills take on Doncaster Rovers. 

The next fixture in the Half-Time Shoot-Out competition will take place on January 17th 2015 where we will see Davington Primary School take on The Academy of Woodlands for a spot in the Quarter Finals.