Peter Taylor delivers his latest update regarding striker Danny Kedwell

Peter Taylor has delivered an update on striker Danny Kedwell.

The striker didn’t travel to Doncaster on Saturday, and the Manager explained why:

“He’s absolutely fine, I just felt last week that he wasn’t as focused as he should have been and everyone needs to do it right to get themselves mentally prepared for the next match,” he told the club website.

“I have a lot of respect for Danny Kedwell, I think he’s a winner and he’s somebody you want to take out on the park with you.

“I just felt as though he lost a bit of that last week, he knows the way I want things to be done and he knows how he was. We have shaken hands, got on with it and I had a good chat with him Monday.

“If anything he dropped his standards a bit last week and that isn’t him.”

Peter revealed Danny will play in a development fixture on Tuesday evening to boost his fitness and believes when he is 100% he will be a valuable player for the Gills once more.

He added: “We have a game against AFC Wimbledon tonight, he will play in that and he’s been unlucky because he had a good spell of goals and games and he then he had the knee injury again which messed him up a little bit.

“He’s now restarting again to get himself match fit, I want him 100% fit because if he is he’s a very important player for us.

“The way that he runs around and closes people down, that’s what we want and I have no doubt that we will get there but we just had a blip last week.”