Gillingham Football Club are proud to back the FvH Campaign

February is “Football v Homophobia” (FvH) month. FvH is an international initiative uniting fans, players, communities, grassroots teams, professional clubs and the
Football Authorities in opposing homophobia and prejudice against LGB&T (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans) people in football.

FvH is endorsed and supported by The FA, The Football League and the LMA. Year round, FvH enables people to take action against prejudice and discrimination based on sexuality or gender identity in football, and to celebrate and welcome diversity in the game. This culminates in an international show of support in February to raise awareness of the issue and to showcase new and existing work.

Gillingham FC is proud to offer our support for this initiative. Homophobia and prejudice and discrimination against LGB&T people in football is unacceptable and The Gills are committed to creating safe and inclusive football environments for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Together with FvH we will work to improve football for our LGB&T supporters, players and fans and to protect the right of everyone to participate.
To show our support for the campaign Gillingham FC have made our upcoming match against Sheffield United at MEMS Priestfield Stadium on Wednesday 19 February our FvH game of Action.

We would encourage our fans and supporters to help us create the game that everyone can be part and proud of by getting involved.

To find out more about the Football v Homophobia campaign, please visit