Gills youngster forced to retire from professional Football due to injury

Gillingham FC sadly has to announce that 20-year-old striker Nathan Nyafli has had to retire from Football due to injury.

Nyafli, who scored on his debut for the club on the final day of last season against Burton, hasn’t featured for the first team this season due to an on-going hip problem, which has proved too severe for the forward to continue playing.

Nathan was informed of the seriousness of his injury on Monday by First Team Physiotherapist Gary Hemens.

Academy Manager Darren Hare said everybody at the club was disappointed to hear of the news, and has wished the striker every success for his future.

Speaking to the club website he said: “It’s very sad, he is a great lad with a great attitude and I have every confidence he will come through it and be a stronger person.

“He has been a pleasure to work with, I have enjoyed coaching him from a young age and I would like to place on record my appreciation to him for everything he has done while at the football club.”