Our reigning Champions bow out as the 2013/14 shoot-out tournament hots-up

Saturday’s 3-2 thriller against Port Vale at MEMS Priestfield Stadium saw the first quarter-final of this season’s half-time Shoot-out competition.

Reigning Champions, Twydall Primary School took on Featherby Primary School, in a contest which everyone expected to be close.

Under the competition rules each player has seven seconds to score from the edge of the D and can choose to dribble the ball around the keeper or shoot straight at goal.  The keepers are allowed off their line as soon as the whistle blows and can close the opposition down, meaning both players have to think and react fast.

It was a nervy start as both keepers made impressive saves to keep the score at 0-0 after the first round. Nerves continued to play their part throughout, as did the goalkeepers, who kept the pressure up with a series of saves meaning that it fell to the last taker from Featherby to decide if they would go through or we would be plunged into sudden death.

He stepped up and calmly slotted past the keeper to book his school a place in the first semi-final, which will take place when the Gills face Rotherham on Saturday 5 April.