GFC Academy staff congratulate youngster after schoolboys call up

Academy Manager Darren Hare has congratulated young goalkeeper Tom Hadler after receiving a call up to the England schoolboys U18 national side.

Hadler, who is 18 this year, is training at the club once a week as he attempts to complete his `A` level studies.

Darren has followed Tom's progress closely in recent months, and is pleased to see him involved.

Speaking to the club website he said:

“He played the first six league games for the youth team and since then he’s been on loan to Folkestone Invicta and he’s done great.

“We knew he was in the trials for the England school set up and I’m absolutely delighted that he’s been able to get in the squad.

“What that will mean for him in terms of playing time we are a bit unsure but we are hoping he gets the opportunity to play and we’ll take it from there.

“He’s got a game next Thursday against Australia and then they play in various places all over the country against the home nations.

“He’s a nice, level headed lad and it’s nice that this season he has managed to get involved with that.

“His main reason for being involved with us is that he wants to try and secure himself a professional contract.

“We also have Luke Nalder who is in full time as a goalkeeper, there is a bit of friendly rivalry which is a positive thing.

"They are both pushing each other, Luke currently has the jersey but certainly before the end of the season Tom will come in and play a few games for the youth and development teams with view to us assessing him for professional terms next year.”

Bryan Bull, Schoolboys Development Manager, said: “Tom came to us as a young player in the schoolboy programme and spent three or four years with us.

“He was always a very capable goalkeeper, he’s a lovely young man and very articulate and a hard worker.

“When he was 15 he decided to concentrate more on his schooling as he is highly intelligent and the opportunity came to bring him back in to the programme on a part time basis last season.

“At that time he showed great promise, I mentioned that to Darren and we brought him in and he has continued to progress and we are absolutely delighted with the honour that he has just received, which is very well merited.”

here.To read what Tom had to say on his call up, click