Gillingham FC academy has been approved for category three status following a successful audit

Gillingham FC are delighted to announce that our Academy has been approved for category three status after a successful audit.

The club were given a score of 59 from a possible 64 from an external company who visited MEMS Priestfield Stadium earlier in the year.

Academy Manager Darren Hare, along with other staff members including Schoolboys Development Manager Bryan Bull and Youth Coach Steve Lovell, were heavily involved in the audit and were delighted to hear the club had got its reward.

Darren said: "It's terrific news for the Football Club and it's testament to the hard work that everybody has put in behind the scenes.

"We are absolutely delighted with the outcome and it's certainly something we should all be very proud about."

The outcome means that the Gills are currently one of the top five category three clubs operating at the same level.