Andy Hessenthaler reveals Peter Taylor was a key factor in his decision to return to the club as Assistant Manager

Andy Hessenthaler has said Peter Taylor was key in deciding to return to the club as Assistant Manager.

Hessenthaler was announced as the Gills number two on Thursday morning and admitted Peter is the only person that could have persuaded him to re-join the club in such a role.

Speaking exclusively to the club’s official website he said: “The key for the decision was Peter Taylor, I’ve known him for 20 years now and he’s a fantastic Manager and has been very successful so when he asked me to go in and assist him it was a no brainer.

“I love the Football Club but I didn’t envisage coming back in any capacity - but once I got the call from Pete we had a good chat, met up and talked about what he’s trying to do and I wanted to be a part of it.

“I know how he works and I know what he expects.

“I loved the time playing for him, we have a great relationship and we are winners – we want to work hard and that’s what we will be doing and I will assist him as best I can.”

Andy has spent the last year scouting for Burnley who were promoted to the Premier League after a strong season, and Hess revealed he has a number of players in the back of his mind that could be worth pursuing.

He added: “I’ve seen a lot of players in the last year playing for Burnley and the recruitment side is really important at any Football Club.

“We’ve got to be out there looking and trying to bring players in and that will be another part of my job – to assess players and Peter has obviously been working hard anyway in the last couple of weeks to get a list together of players he would like.

“I’m excited, it’s like Christmas and birthday presents all at once!”

Watch Andy’s exclusive interview here.