Peter Taylor to weigh up all options before signing new players after releasing retained list

Peter Taylor says he will take his time in signing new players after confirming his retained list on Thursday morning.

Twelve players will depart the club at the end of their contracts, and the Gills boss has already begun making phone calls and inquiring about other players that could become available.

Speaking to the club’s official website Peter first thanked the individuals who will not feature next season.

He said: “It’s not a great day when you’re a Manager and saying to people there is no future work – the worst day is when you let scholars go, but it’s also not a good day when you’re not retaining somebody.

“I want to thank them [the players] for their efforts, commitment and service to the Football Club and I keep my fingers crossed that they go out there and get some clubs, some further work for their careers and families.”

Peter says he will not be rushed in to making new signings and will consider all options before making a final decision.

He added: “You can only spend your money once and if you have everything done very quickly I can assure you that you’ll get a phone call offering you something which you’re interested in but the money is spent.

“There are lots of Managers that get things done quickly and if it works it works but a lot of Managers take their time because you’ll be surprised when good players become available.

“I’m going down that route a bit more, I’m not rushing to spend the money. I’m having a close look, doing my checks and we’ll go from there.

“The Chairman is back over next week and we’ll be having quite a few meetings to get a few things like new players and new staff in place but I’m down the line with a few of those decisions.”

Two players are yet to confirm whether they will accept renewed offers, with Bayo Akinfenwa and Chris Whelpdale having contracts on the table.

However Peter again said he is in no rush to get a decision, although he did concede that one of them may be going elsewhere.

He said: “I’ll be looking at different things and if it means they don’t come back too sharpish and there are other things around it might make my mind up a little bit.

“I am hearing that Chris is thinking about going to a different club and good luck to him if that is the case, but we can only offer what we can offer.”

For the full interview log on to Gills Player.