Gillingham FC are on the hunt for Mo Sistas to lend their support during the 2014 Movember Campaign

As the men of Gillingham FC support Movember 2014 we are looking for Mo Sistas to join the team.

As a Mo Sista you can not only lend your support and words of encouragement as men grow their moustaches, you can also sign up, raise funds and awareness to change the face of men’s health.

Click here to sign up or donate or keep reading for the suggestions from

Start or join a Team

Once you’ve registered as a Mo Sista at recruit your family, friends and workmates to join you on the hairy journey by starting and building a team or joining an existing one.

For tips on how to get your crew involved click here. The Mo the merrier!

Raise funds

Spread the word and make the most out of your social networking platforms and workplace email to let everyone know that you’re a proud Mo Sista supporting local Mo growers.

You’d be surprised by how much timing has to do with whether someone donates to your cause. Catch someone at the right moment by asking for donations multiple times throughout the month on your social accounts.


If you fancy something a bit more active, register a MOVE event in your workplace or community to encourage those around you to increase their physical activity. Whether it’s a run, swim or a kickabout… get moving with your friends and family. 

So what are you waiting for become a Mo Sista and support Movember!