Peter Taylor brings us the latest news on the injuries to Danny Kedwell and Doug Loft

Gills boss Peter Taylor has suggested Danny Kedwell and Doug Loft have `a chance` of being in the traveling party for the game against Oldham at Boundary Park on Saturday.

Kedwell picked up a knee problem against Crewe and missed the matches against Stevenage and Coventry as a result, but Peter revealed the club has decided against surgery at this stage which would see the striker sit out for five months.

He said: “We have decided not to go with the five month option.

“If he is swollen after one hard session, or one hard game and then can’t train for two or three days, then we are going to have the scrape of the cartilage which will put him out for 2-3 weeks.

“He has a chance of being in the 18 for the weekend.”

As for Doug Loft, he is another player who could be fit for the match but the Manager was keen to stress that his Achilles injury is another which needs close attention.

He said: “Doug has done some training with us this week but we must be careful and not overload the injuries. At the moment it’s looking pretty good that he will be in the 18.

"We need certain days of doing a certain amount of work.”