Peter Taylor pleased with the levels of confidence shown by his players in the 2-0 win over Crewe at Priestfield

2-0 win over Crewe at MEMS Priestfield Stadium.Peter Taylor said he was pleased with the levels of confidence his players showed during Saturday’s

and they saw out the game professionally to clinch maximum points.Bradley Dack and Cody McDonald both scored in the first half to give the hosts some breathing space,

Taylor said: “In the first half I thought we looked very much in control and was pleased with the Football.

“We looked a confident bunch that wanted the ball and they helped each other out when someone else had it – we just had to make sure we didn’t do anything stupid at the start of the second half.

“I think the crowd enjoyed it and appreciated it.”

Peter commented on the performances of three players in particular with Dack, Jake Hessenthaler and Gavin Hoyte praised for their displays.

He said: “Bradley sets himself such a high standard – he’s got great energy, he’s a clever player and he carried on believing. It was a fantastic goal.

“I was confident that Bradley and Jake would get more chances this year than last, I think players pick the team themselves. If they play well they're on the team sheet, it’s down to them.

“Jake is a wonderful passer and doing ever so well. I was really pleased with Gavin Hoyte, he hasn’t done a pre-season with anybody but has looked like a solid right full back.”

Gills travel to Stevenage in the first round of the JPT on Tuesday evening, and Peter said the club will be taking the competition as seriously as possible.

He added: “We don’t want to go to Stevenage and have a poor performance and then get a little bit negative before Friday.

“We will take it seriously without a doubt.

“If we win the match lovely, if not then as long as we have a good performance that’s the important thing for me.

“I will make a few changes to get some fresh legs.”