The Girls Academy at Gillingham FC enjoy some induction day fun at Kicks Soccer Centre in Strood

On Friday 21st August our Girls Academy took part in an induction day for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Both age groups, made up of Girls' Centre of Excellence players and Ladies players, took part in a number of activities.

The day started with team building exercises which saw them have to make their way from one side of a football court to the other, only being able to step off flat discs and having to pick up and carry a variety of equipment, such as American footballs, bibs and benches.

As part of the day the girls competed in a game called Archery Tag. The activity consisted of having to fire arrows at one another.

This became competitive very quickly as the girls had spare arrows hidden down their back as they rolled to avoid oncoming ammunition and set themselves up for the perfect shot.

As the day drew closer to an end the girls were treated to Bubble Football, an increasingly popular exercise.

Once a truce was called the games moved towards last man standing and bulldog which saw the playground antics emerge in our Girls Academy students.

When everyone had finished they wiped the sweat from their brows and made their way inside in search of water, ready to say their goodbyes until the start of our second academic year within the Girls Academy.

Thanks to Kicks Soccer Centre for hosting a fantastic day.