Gillingham FC joined forces with the Kent FA Youth Council to celebrate them surpassing their target of getting 2015 young people to join the Kent FA Football Futures programme.

The Kent FA Youth Council aimed to sign up 2015 young people to the Football Futures programme and to celebrate this wonderful achievement, Kent FA Youth Council ambassadors visited Priestfield. The ambassadors were welcomed to a VIP tour, meeting up with Gill’s star, Bradley Dack who became the 2015th young person to sign up to the programme.


Volunteering is a fantastic addition to any young person’s CV and brings its own rewards, but being part of the Kent FA Football Futures programme also gives some extra benefits and Bradley Dack said:

“Volunteers make football tick and without them the grassroots’ game would not be able to play the fundamental role it does. This is an excellent project and something I hope will encourage the next generation of volunteers”.


Having played grassroots football with the Kent Youth League I appreciate the hours people put in to ensure football games can take place. If this opportunity gets more people involved with the game, then that’s fantastic.”


The Kent FA Football Futures programme is intended to support young people interested in volunteering in football by rewarding them for their volunteering and providing opportunities for them to receive training, gain experience and meet other young volunteers in the game.

Kent FA Football Development Officer, Lee Suter said, “This was the Youth Council’s biggest and most ambitious project to date and to reach the target before the end of the year is fantastic reward for the hard work and commitment shown by the Youth Council and our partners”.  


The 2015 members will now benefit from the Football Futures programme which includes:

-         Support from the Kent County FA with finding quality volunteering opportunities.

-         Dedicated Football Futures website to log hours.

-         Certificates to reward volunteering at 10, 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 hours.

-         Opportunity to attend young leaders training courses and workshops to develop your skills.

-         Meet other young people interested in volunteering in football.

-         Eligible to attend a County Leadership Camp – just for Football Futures volunteers.

-         The chance to be selected to represent Kent FA at the FA National Leadership Camp.


For more details and to sign up to the programme please click here.