Gillingham FC wishes the Girls COE U17 squad the best of luck as they prepare to take on Liverpool

Good luck to our Girls COE U17 squad who take on Liverpool COE tomorrow, 28th February, in the Quarter-Finals of the FA Girls COE Youth Cup.  


It will be the first time the two clubs have met within the girls programme and so the squad are relishing the opportunity to challenge themselves against such a big club as Liverpool COE.

The girls have worked extremely hard since the start of the season and despite some ups and downs along the way, they have shown some good progress and development, particularly since the Christmas break.


The FA Youth Cup has been a pleasant opportunity for the girls this year and with a very  satisfying win over Brighton in round 1, the team were rewarded with a ’bye’ into the quarter finals. Liverpool also progressed from round 1 on penalties against Leeds United COE but comprehensively beat Stoke COE 5-1 in the second round to seal their place in round 3. 


With the players’ long-term development at the forefront of what we are doing at the club, we are looking for the girls to put into practice the things that they have worked on all season, in the highly competitive environment of a cup game.

A lot of positives can be taken from the recent 2-0 win over Norwich City COE and they will be looking to carry some momentum forward into the rest of the season, starting today.

The players have shown dedication, commitment and a professional attitude towards their time at the club and we want them to play with their heads high and freedom to play in the way we know they can and whatever the result today we are hugely proud of each of them.


I know you will all join us in wishing the girls the best of luck for tomorrow’s game.


Up the Gills!