Gillingham FC supporter Chris Paine to take part in charity boxing event at MEMS Priestfield Stadium this weekend

It's not often that you get the opportunity to perform at your favourite team’s stadium or facilities, but lifelong Gills fan Chris Paine has got that chance.

On Sunday 5th July Chris is combining two passions; the Gills and Boxing.

Chris is taking part in a charity boxing event at MEMS Priestfield Stadium’s prestigious Great Hall and all money the event raises will be donated to Cancer Research UK.

Speaking to the club Chris said: "When the chance came to raise money for a fantastic cause and get to combine that with Gillingham FC and Boxing, I jumped straight at it. I couldn't wait to get started.”

Gills mad Chris has even got the club crest printed on his shorts: “Well, I'm a massive fan,” he added. “I have been going to matches since I was a boy and thought I would go all out and get some shorts made for the event, so of course I had to stick the badge on there.

"They had to be blue and white too!"

And whilst Chris’ mind is firmly focused on next week’s charity fundraiser, with pre-season looming, he highly anticipates returning to support Justin Edinburgh’s men throughout the upcoming season.

“We finished in a really strong position last season and the team really looks set to go on and do well under Justin. It’s an exciting time to be a Gills fan. I’m looking forward to our opening fixture against Sheffield United as I’m sure Priestfield will be rocking for that one.

“We’ve got two pretty tasty pre-season ties at home too. Whilst performing at Priestfield will be an incredible experience, I am also looking forward to taking back my seat in the Rainham End and roaring the boys on once more.”

You can buy tickets for Gills pre-season double header here.