Gills boss eager to make new signings but happy to wait for right players

Justin Edinburgh says he will remain patient as he pursues at least another four players before the season begins.

The Gills boss has already made a few additions to the squad including Bradley Garmston,Ryan Jackson and Ben Williamson, but despite pre-season beginning in just over a week, he says he will take his time in recruiting the right players.

He said: “We probably need another four at least, they would be permanent signings and we are in negotiations for one or two other positions for loans.

“The squad needs strengthening but we need to be patient, get the right player and get them at the right value. The three that we have done have fitted all of those categories very well.”

Justin outlined the plans for pre-season, with a week-long training camp in France to come.

He said: “We’ll see the players on the 29th and 30th for testing and then we get going on July the 1st. We are looking forward to the season and getting going.

“We are going out to France, we’re off to Le Touquet for six days (July 13-18) and I’m delighted the Chairman has allowed us to do that.

“We will have some new members in the squad and we are going to an excellent facility where we can put five or six days quality graft in.”

Finally the Manager revealed that he would like to tie John Egan down to a longer deal at MEMS Priestfield Stadium. The Gills `Player of the Year` from the 2014-15 season only has one more year left on his current contract but Edinburgh would like him to sign an extension.

He added: “That will be something I hope would be concluded when he returns from holiday. The talks I had with John were very positive and it’s not a case of it not being high on the agenda, it is.

“When pre-season is underway its something I hope we could announce sooner rather than later. He is a fantastic player and last season will stand him in good stead going forward.

“We want to keep him for the long term because he’s a part of something we are trying to achieve here.”