Featherby Junior School clinch the half time shootout trophy after victory over the Academy of Woodlands

Last Saturday we were pleased to welcome Featherby Junior School and The Academy of Woodlands to the MEMS Priestfield Stadium to take part in the Final of the popular Half-Time Shoot-Out competition.

After a short reminder on the rules, followed by a quick warm up on the pitch, the two teams were lined up on the edge of the D anxiously awaiting to be called up for their opportunity to score in front of the cheering Rainham End and potentially win their school the Half Time-Shoot-Out trophy.

As the two schools took their seats in the Medway stand it was clear to see the excitement levels were high with numerous players discussing their celebrations and what technique of shot they would try.

The players were allowed seven seconds to score a goal from the edge of the penalty area by either dribbling the ball forward or taking on the goalkeeper, or by simply firing a shot and going for glory. 

The Final saw a mixture of fine strikes, cool celebrations, audacious efforts and as always, the cheering support from the Rainham End but there could only be one winner, and this year it was Featherby Junior School who were able to clinch the victory and be crowned the 2015 HTSO Champions.

Congratulations to Featherby Junior School on winning the competition, throughout the season they have been consistent and thoroughly deserve to be crowned champions.

Also we would like to congratulate The Academy of Woodlands for their efforts in the competition throughout the season.

A massive thank you to all the schools who have taken part throughout the season and to this season’s sponsors, LAWTECH.