GFC Community Trust proud to be involved in a nationally recognised education project

A project working with pupils at Brompton Academy, in Marlborough Road Gillingham, has gained national recognition from the National Lottery.

The innovative project brought together three organisations who are passionate about supporting local young people in Kent. Gillingham Football Club’s Community Trust, Catalyst in Communities and Brompton Academy.

Gillingham Football Club were approached by a local school (Brompton Academy) to design a project which engaged and worked with pupils who weren't enjoying their school experience and who were potentially at risk of exclusion. The club then approached Catalyst in Communities (CIC) who are experts in engagement, communication and transformation work.

Mindset Coaches from CIC worked with a group of pupils to discover what their challenges were, what was preventing them from reaching their full potential and helped them to overcome any obstacles they had, so that their school life could become more relevant, enjoyable and useful.

Adam Lawrence, Head of Football in the Community at Gillingham Football Club, said: “We wanted to do something positive, something that really contributes to the lives of these young pupils. With the help of Big Lottery funding we were able to bring together a fantastic team to support the school."

Robin Lockhart, Director of CIC said “We were honoured to be invited to work with Brompton Academy. It is a progressive school, which really cares about its pupils. When we trust young people to take charge of their own learning experience and design a space where all can listen deeply, reflect and then decide on a plan of action together, we are able to create positive and lasting changes.”

A selected group of pupils went through an intensive programme of CIC workshops   at the school and then attended a weekend residential at an activity centre. The project helped to develop team building and communication skills through outdoor activities and group discussions.

Mike Endicott, Pastoral Manager at Brompton Academy said: “We were taken aback at how well the pupils responded. The change was dramatic and incredibly moving to witness. Other schools and academies are now very interested in learning more about the project so that their students can also benefit. We are really proud of what we achieved in a short space of time.”