Chairman Paul Scally has delivered an interview reflecting on the 2015 Take Heart Mercy Mission

The team from Take Heart Mercy Mission have recently returned from Sri Lanka following their annual visit.

Chairman Paul Scally, along with a dedicated team of doctors and surgeons from the Evelina Children's Hospital in London, performed a number of life saving heart operations on young children who, without that help, would struggle to receive adequate treatment.

Speaking to the Kent Messenger Group recently he said: “This year we operated on 20 children and 19 survived, which is wonderful. 

"But even though the family know their child is very sick and they are having high risk surgery it is nevertheless devastating if one does not make it through."

The team of people in charge are the same who battled to save the Chairman's son Elliott with his heart problems 11 years ago.

He added: “It was a battle that unfortunately they lost. But a battle that left a lasting impression on me as to the dedicated and compassionate work they do, day in and day out, often without any recognition.

“So for me it is an honour to now help them and help others, and I’m sure anyone who has experienced a situation similar to my own will understand my motives.

“I have been humbled by my experiences and feel privileged to work with such a group of people. I know Elliott would have been proud.”