Gillingham FC is committed to ensuring all fans have a first-class experience at Priestfield Stadium

Ian Cox – Disability Liaison Officer

Tel:  01634 300000  Fax:  01634 850986


Email:  icox@priestfield.com


Gillingham Football Club fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of disability.


The Club recognises that not all of its facilities are fully accessible to disabled customers and confirms that it is committed to making the necessary reasonable adjustments described by the Disability Discrimination Act and its relevant Codes of Practice to ensure full compliance with the legislation.


Facilities for supporters using Wheelchairs


The club has 67 spaces available for wheelchair users and, if required, their personal assistants.  These are located on the front rows of the Medway Stand, Rainham End and Gordon Road.  Of these 6 are available for away supporters in the Brain Moore Stand.  All these areas are red on stadium plan below.


Please note there are no wheelchair facilities in Rainham End Blocks 1, 2 and 6, or Medway Stand Blocks A – E.


Facilities for Visually Impaired supporters


The club has 10 radio headsets available to supporters with visual impairments.  Headsets must be reserved in advance of the game through the DLO.  A credit or debit card number will be required and users, or their personal assistants, are required to give written consent agreeing to cover the cost of the headset should it not be returned.  Headsets are collected and returned to the Main Club Shop in Redfern Avenue on match day.


Personal Assistants


Disabled supporters are entitled to bring a personal assistant or carer to matches free of charge as long as they provide the club with proof of disability.  Gillingham FC reserves the right to ask for proof of disability before issuing any concession.  Such proof can include:


• Receipt of higher rate of Disability Living Allowance for either mobility or care.

• Receipt of either the Severe Disablement Allowance or Attendance Allowance.

• A personal letter from your GP detailing your need for a carer.


Please note that a blue/orange badge will not be considered proof of disability for the concessionary price.


Disabled Facilities


The club has disabled toilets in all areas of the ground and at least two in each stand.  These are not alarmed; if you experience any problems with these toilets (or they are being abused) please contact the nearest steward on the day. 


All food kiosks, as well as the Club Shop and ticket office are easily accessible and the ticket office is fitted with an induction loop.