St William of Perth claim victory in the club's latest half time shootout fixture

Our last home fixture against Rochdale saw the latest encounter of our Half-Time shoot-out competition between St William of Perth Catholic Primary School and St Benedicts Catholic School.

Each of the players had just seven seconds to score from the edge of the D and can choose to either dribble in and take the keeper on or simply fire a shot at goal. The keepers were allowed to move off their line as soon as the whistle sounds and put the striker under pressure meaning that both have to think and react fast.

Both teams walked out on to the Priestfield pitch from the tunnel excited to start the tournament. As the GFC Gems performed the teams warmed up with some one touch passing and some skilful tricks.

As the shoot-out got going it was very evident that penalties had been practised, a brilliant first penalty from St William of Perth was fired at goal and sent into the top corner. 

In response St Benedicts first player dribbled in and slotted their first penalty home. St William of Perth went on a great run, scoring their next two penalties whereas St Benedicts missed their second but scored their third. St William of Perth was able to take the lead and remain in front for the rest of the shoot-out and secured the win.

A massive thank you to both teams for their brilliant effort and congratulations to St William of Perth Catholic Primary School for progressing into the Quarter Finals.

Our next Half-Time Shoot-Out fixture will take place on Saturday 12th December when Gillingham face Burton Albion at MEMS Priestfield Stadium between St Margaret's at Troy Town CofE VC Primary School and Halling Primary School.