Happy 125th Birthday, Goddards!

Everyone loves a pie at football, no less so than at MEMS Priestfield Stadium where this season pie consumption has hit the roof thanks to the introduction of Goddards Pies!

After the news Gillingham FC would be taking over catering operations at the football club, Kent’s only Football League outfit has welcomed local businesses and sourced high quality products from within the county to ensure fans have an enjoyable (and tasty!) match day experience.

Goddard’s Pies have been helping fill fans’ bellies this season with their variety of flavours including Chicken Balti, Steak and Ale, Chicken and Mushroom or Vegetable! Cooked from scratch, using raw ingredients, simmered and marinated for hours to enrich the flavour, Goddards Pies have proved to be a real hit.

This Saturday Gillingham FC will be celebrating Goddards’ 125th Birthday by treating fans to a free pie of their choice after the match against Oldham Athletic.

To celebrate their birthday in style, Goddards will be handing 125 free gift wrapped pies to fans that purchase a post-match pint or soft drink at Priestfield.

It’s a mammoth landmark for the business that was founded in 1890 by Alfred Goddard in Deptford. Here, Alfred set up his first pie and mash shop which was popular during the late 1800’s. These shops provided hot, filling food for manual workers and the prices were very affordable. 

Alfred built up his business and his reputation during the early 1900’s when pie mash and liquor shops really started to flourish. In 1936 Alfred decided to pass the business to his two and both continued the family tradition. 

Over the years, Goddards have improved the range of pie flavours with choice, price and attention to detail meaning that Goddards Pies have been able to sustain and develop.  

In 2009, Goddards secured a new commercial property in Borough Green, Kent and with business partner Sean Horton, began establishing Goddard’s Pies as a wholesale pie manufacturer. With a custom designed kitchen and storage facilities built, Goddard’s Pies was back in business as their brand new pie factory opened in the county.

Over the 125 years of business, Goddards’ core values have remained the same and all of their pies are hand made using traditional techniques and quality ingredients. With value’s that matched the club’s dedication to improving fan’s match day experience, the partnership has got off to a brilliant start.

Gillingham FC are therefore delighted to team up with Goddards’ to kick start a week of celebrations to mark their very special landmark and reward fans who want to join the party post-match at Priestfield with a free pie to accompany their post-match refreshment!

You can keep up to date with Goddards’ 125th Birthday plans by following them on Twitter @Goddards_Pies and liking their page on Facebook here.