Gillingham FC is proud to support Know the Score and our home match against Port Vale will be dedicated to raising awareness for the campaign.

This April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month and players and managers are backing the fifth annual Know the Score campaign.

Know the Score, supported by the Professional Footballers’ Association and League Managers Association, aims to raise awareness of bowel cancer signs and symptoms.

Bowel cancer is the UK’s fourth most common cancer, with 41,000 new cases each year. It’s also the second biggest cause of cancer death. Every 90 minutes three people die of the disease. That’s 44 people each day - the equivalent to four football teams - but it needn’t be that way.

    •     If you’ve had bleeding from your bottom, blood in your poo or suffered a persistent change in bowel habit that has lasted three weeks or more, especially if you’ve been going to the toilet more often or experiencing unexplained looser stools, tell your doctor. Other symptoms include: a pain or lump in your stomach; feeling extremely tired for no obvious reason; unexplained weight loss.

    •    You’re not wasting anyone’s time by getting it checked out. If it’s not serious, your mind will be eased, but if it is bowel cancer, we know that when it’s diagnosed at the earliest stage, more than 9 in 10 people will survive their disease for five years or more, compared with less than 1 in 10 people when diagnosed at the latest stage. A trip to your doctor could save your life.

The main aim of Know the Score is to end the perception that bowel cancer is an old person’s illness – in fact it affects men and women of any age.

Bradley Dack said: “Bowel cancer can affect anyone at any age so it's really important everyone is aware of the symptoms as early as possible. I am supporting Know the Score because it's great that football is coming together to raise awareness of the disease during Bowel Cancer Awareness Month.”

Throughout football ‘Star of Hope’ badges are being worn during the campaign, which is also supported by the Men’s Health Forum and leading bowel cancer charities.

Stephanie Moore, wife of England legend Bobby Moore, said: “I started the Bobby Moore Fund after my husband Bobby died from bowel cancer in 1993, aged just 51. Raising awareness of bowel cancer through campaigns such as Know the Score is so important, as early diagnosis saves lives.”


    •    Eat healthily: Fibre is very important in reducing your risk of bowel cancer. Try to eat more wholegrains, pulses, vegetables and fruit. Limit how much red meat you eat and avoid processed meats as much as possible. Avoid high calorie foods and sugary drinks. 
    •    Cut down on alcohol: Drinking too much alcohol can lead to a number of health problems and is linked with bowel cancer. By drinking less, you’ll reduce your health risks.
    •    Look after yourself: Keep active. Swim, cycle, go dancing - the more you can do, the better. Even walking to your local shops instead of taking the car can make a difference.
    •    Stop smoking: Giving up will lower your risk of getting bowel cancer. Visit

To find out more visit or follow @KnowTheScoreUK on Twitter.