Tutor and learning mentor positions now available

Gillingham Football Club's Community Trust School, based at the MEMS Priestfield Stadium, has vacancies for a tutor and learning mentor ahead of the 2016/17 academic year.

The successful tutor applicant will be responsible to the Head of School for supporting the general good order and discipline of the School, and the implementation of all policies. They will sustain a close connection with, and have knowledge of new relevant projects, schemes of work, types of approaches and perspectives on the approach to and management of emotional, social, behavioural & mental health difficulties.

Meanwhile, learning mentors at the school provide a complementary service to existing teachers and pastoral staff within school, addressing the needs of children who need help to overcome barriers to learning both inside and outside the school, in order to achieve their full potential.

Both roles are full-time positions.

>> Click here for a full tutor job spec

>> Click here for a full learning mentor job spec

To apply for an application pack, please send your CV with a covering letter to: 

Ms Lisa Scott
Head of School
Gillingham Football Club Community Trust
MEMS Priestfield Stadium
Redfern Avenue
Kent. ME7 4DD

Tel: 01634 350125 ext 251

The closing date is Monday, August 22.