Girls Academy and Gills Ladies striker, Lydia Wills attended free taster sessions at local Primary Schools in Kent this week.

This week is the FA’s Girls Week and as part of our on-going female only activities the Community Trust team had offered free taster sessions to local Primary Schools. The aim of the sessions is to encourage a new generation of players to get involved in football and sport in general.

Lydia joined Community Trust Female Football Development Officer, Georgia Bowie as they attended St William of Perth RC Primary School in Rochester and they welcomed 16 young girls on to the school field. The young players worked through a range of skills and drills and Lydia also spoke to the girls about her time in football. The girls were so inspired that they want to start a football team at the school, which we will look to support them with.

Class Teacher at St William of Perth, Jo Rogers said: “Many thanks ladies, the girls enjoyed your session and went home very happy and bubbly.”

Lydia and Georgia were joined by Gills youngsters Tom Hadler and Henry Newcombe when they all attended Shears Green Infant School in Gravesend. Here they met 19 young girls who had never played football before and all were excited to try it out.

The week rounded off with Girls Academy players Hollie Musmeci, Jade Tinsley and Seren Bentley joining Lydia and Georgia at Fairview Community Primary School in Gillingham. The school are about to start a girls only football session at lunchtime, run by our Apprentice, James Hare and the session was a great introduction to what they can expect.    

Georgia said: “It’s been a great week and fantastic to introduce football to a new generation of future players. The girls are all brilliant role models and true inspirations for any youngster looking to follow their passion in the female game. Tom and Henry were also excellent and are both fine young pros and as a Trust and Club we are very proud of them all and the young adults they are becoming.”

To find out more about our female development programme please contact Georgia Bowie, gbowie@priestfield.com or 01634 350125.