Gills head coach Ady Pennock speaks to the press ahead of the trip to Bramall Lane on Saturday

Head coach Ady Pennock says he’s pleased with his players’ commitment in training this week and also praised the team’s good response from the weekend’s defeat to Oldham.

Speaking to the media on Thursday morning, Pennock also gave updates on potential signings and injury updates ahead of the trip to Sheffield United on Saturday.

Pennock on…a reaction from last weekend's Oldham defeat: “There has been a good response [to Saturday’s defeat]. I wasn’t happy with the first-half performance.

“I said to the players before kick-off that you have to come to these places and battle and we didn’t do that. Going down 1-0 was disappointing, but I thought second half we tried to do things right.

“The players have responded well and have worked very hard in training on Monday and Tuesday. We have learned a lot from last Saturday.”

Pennock on…potential signings: “It’s a little bit frustrating, as I haven’t got any news, but there are two or three players who we are talking to.

“The Chairman and I are working very hard behind the scenes, putting in hours upon hours to work on them [transfers], but the players have got to be right for the team, and right financially.” 

Pennock on…last week’s illness in the squad: “Jake Hessenthaler is much better and will be in contention on Saturday, and hopefully the illness is clearing up now. 

“There were four or five of them that picked up this bug, but fingers crossed that it is gone now. I’m not going to make the illness an excuse [for the Oldham result].”

Pennock on…injuries: “[Bradley] Garmston trained on Tuesday. It was good to have him back, but it is too early for him. We have to be careful and manage him, give him plenty of minutes in friendly games and go from there. Everyone else is okay [for Saturday].” 

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